Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Porcelain Thrown

So I got called off work today and decided to check out a movie with Megan. I won't say which one, but it rhymes with Lustin Dieber (sorry, I couldn't come up with a better one). Anyway, it was sooo good, except the 3 bathroom breaks I required. WHAT? Seriously, this is definitely going to put a damper on my most favorite pastime, movie-going!! Once right before it started during the previews, which I absolutely hate to miss, once in the middle and once in the end and I almost couldn't make it until then! That's close to 3 times in 2 hours. Can't wait til the baby is actually sitting on my bladder ;)


  1. hhHhahaha that really made me giggle. wasnt the move great!!!

  2. OMG soooo good. Loved it. I was smiling the entire time and just singing along!

  3. you could always put in a foley :)

    he he he

    just a little nursing humor...
