Hi friends! So, it's been awhile, but we hope this post finds you all enjoying the lovely spring weather. We had a big family milestone a few weeks ago, when Jameson had his first sleepover at my parents house. I can't say I was quite ready to leave him for the night, but I don't think any mama is ever ready for that. On the way home Jake commented that he couldn't really remember what it was like not having the baby around to entertain us, and I agreed. I definitely felt like I had left a part of my heart behind. I can't say we necessarily lived it up or anything, since we both had early mornings the next day to get ready for, although I am sure in a few more years I will be more eager to let him go. Right now though, I am thinking he will not be allowed to go to college :) We recently spent a weekend at the cabin which is always a nice little getaway. We did some mushroom hunting, and riding the four wheelers a little movie watching and napping. This weekend I was at work, so the boys spent a quiet weekend at home. It was defnitely a quiet Easter. We are gearing up for a roadtrip to Nashville for a wedding and a visit with Kiki. Jameson is spending less time napping and more time playing. He isn't too sure about the new foods I've been introducing (mostly the peas) but he has become such a big boy. I even spiked his hair one day last week and he looked so grown up. He is extremely interested in his feet and spends a good amount of the day working to put them in his mouth. He has yet to succeed, and definitely enjoys trying. He is still wearing 6-9 month clothes and weighs about 18 pounds last time I checked. He usually takes two spoon feedings a day and nurses 4 times a day. He still sleeps from about 7-8pm to about 8 am.

He looks just like BooBoo!!!!! and that second picture, WOW! look at those big sorrowful eyes!