Hello blogosphere! Where have I been? Well, I'm not really sure. We have been experiencing an unseasonably warm spring so I have been spending as much time outside as I can. We also had a few days last week where Jake was gone on a business trip so I didn't have much blogging time. Oh, and I've been spending lots of time breaking in my new iPad! Anyway, the weather is wonderful and Jameson loves to play outdoors and it's nice to change it up a little bit too. We love to stroll around the neighborhood and watch all the stuff popping up in our yard.
A quick visit from Peepaw (Jameson's great grandpa) who was home briefly from Florida |
As much as I love being a homeowner I am not very fond of being a yard owner. Ugh. Just the amount of work that I think needs to be done is overwhelming so I've been trying to break it down into reasonable bits, but let's just say I am nowhere near satisfied and until I have yard fairy to magically do all this stuff for me, I doubt I will be.
Jameson has really discovered the use of his voice. He likes to experiment with it which is pretty funny because we will hear him shout out just for fun from his bedroom or when he is playing on the floor. He's tried a few more new foods and I would say the apples top his list. He has quickly progressed to wanting a second spoon feeding in the afternoon between his third and fourth bottle.
Ready to hunt mushrooms! |
Our latest home project |
We had a great weekend. Saturday morning we did the usual coffee and breakfast thing plus Jake and I got to go to matinee showing of The Hunger Games, which very much used to be a weekly tradition for us. Sadly, this was only our third theater experience since Jameson, and one of those we didn't even get to see the movie because of a power outage. Things do change a little bit, but in a few more years I hope we can bring the tradition back and Jameson can join us. The movie was great, although Jake was horrified when I told him so far that was really the only movie I felt I HAD to see in theaters. He thought The Dark Knight Rises should be on that list. We finished up the afternoon with mexican for lunch and a little bit of yard work. Sunday we baked and played around the house. Jake very successfully made a super yummy pretzel bread to go with my roasted chicken and veggies. Everything just seems better when the windows and doors are open, which ours were.
Happy early Easter to all of you! I will miss seeing our lil man until next week!! Please post pics soon! Btw, your backyard looked beautiful yesterday and the above-pictured pretzel bread looks amazing!