Tuesday, April 5, 2011

10 weeks and a heartbeat!

I've never loved a little lub-dub so much! Today we heard our baby's heartbeat and it was so exciting. Remember, I spend half my day with my ears in a stethoscope so I am used to the sound, but hearing our baby's brought a little tear to my eye. Is anyone surprised?? I think Jake was relieved that we only heard one and not two or more! Isn't it incredible that our little prune sized baby has a heartbeat we can hear! Today we met with the nurse practitioner and went over health history and education type stuff, do's and don'ts and next Friday we will meet our OB.

At 10 weeks the baby is nearly and inch and half long and continuing to grow like a weed. The bones and cartilage are forming as well as the knees and ankles and the baby's elbows are already functioning. The baby has tiny buds where the teeth will form under the gums, the stomach is producing digestive juices and the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine. If our baby is a boy he already has testosterone running through his veins! Boys will be boys ;) The baby has also started to grow tiny little nails and peach fuzz hair all over his or her body.


  1. Awww...I am so excited!! Probably about as much as you are (at least darn close)!! I am growing more and more attracted to the baby sections in the stores and thought to myself just today as I passed by those teeny weeny little outfits...it's a good thing Noah and Matt are graduating college next year! ;)

  2. Very cool! Mick and Jake D. said they remember when they were that size.
