Wednesday, April 27, 2011

13 weeks!

A view from the top. Any gender guesses?

The bottom pic on this one baby is literally looking right at the camera and waving! Can you see the eyes?


As the first trimester is coming to an end the baby has now reached the size of a peach and is about 3 inches long! The head is now about half the size of the rest of the body, but the body will quickly be catching up and will continue growing overtime (at birth the baby should be 1/4 head, 3/4 body). The baby's intestines, which have been growing inside the umbilical cord are starting to make their way back inside the abdomen to their permanent position. Also this week, the baby is developing vocal cords and can even make a fist or suck his or her thumb. The bones and skull are solidifying and soon ribs may be visible on ultrasound. Fingerprints have formed on the baby's tiny fingertips, the veins and organs are clearly visible through the skin.

Most exciting is we did another "unofficial" ultrasound at work today! The baby has definitely grown and has a little less space in my uterus. No hiccups this time around, so I didn't record any video but we did print off some pictures. It is amazing to see the baby's teeny tiny heart beating. The question is should the baby be called a "she" or a "he"? To my untrained ultrasound eye, I think the baby is a girl and most of my coworkers agree (It's always harder to spot a girl on ultrasound). There was still no sign of a penis. I was convinced that maybe we just weren't seeing it until we did another ultrasound on another coworker who is only a week ahead of me and we clearly saw a penis. So, not a definite, "Yes! It's a girl", but I'm definitely leaning toward it being so. I'll be waiting a little longer to pick out the wall color for the nursery ;)

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