Wednesday, April 13, 2011

11 Weeks

Bella band

Rubber Band

Our baby is just over 2 inches long now (about the length of a sugar packet, or a fig) and weighs about a third of an ounce. His or her body is straightening out and the torso is lengthening. Hair follicles are forming and nail beds are beginning to form. The fingers and toes have separated and are no longer webbed. It would be difficult to see the sex of the baby even on ultrasound but if it's a girl, the ovaries are developing. By now the baby has some pretty distinct human characteristics (no more alien baby) with hands and feet in front of the body, ears nearly in their final shape, open nasal passages on the tip of the nose and a tongue and palate in the mouth. All of the baby's vital organs are now formed and functioning, so the risk of defects decreases this week as the baby becomes less susceptible to outside influences (Doesn't mean I can stop worrying yet!).

Jake got a pretty good laugh this week when I showed him the rubberband I was using to stay in my favorite skinny jeans! It's a pretty helpful little trick. Just loop the rubberband through the buttonhole and over the button. Instant relief and allows me to wear more than stretch pants. I am glad that I will be having an expanding belly during the summer months because I will be able to wear a lot of dresses which will hopefully be pretty flexible in growing with me. I also bought a bella band this week which will help me through all my stages of pregnancy. Right now I can use it to keep my pants up and keep me in my prepregnancy jeans. I just love it because it is a little more comfortable and feels slightly more secure than the good ole' rubberband.

And for the record, the above belly picture is not me ;) No other real symptoms to report. I have a OB appointment Friday and friends begging to do an ultrasound on me at work this weekend (like I would ever say no to seeing my little fig!). So stay tuned for some possible baby pics!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, and sorry I didn't comment earlier...still can't figure it out on my laptop and had to wait to get home in order to do so!

  3. First, I love this post! Second, I really thought the picture (without a face) was you! ;) Third, I think you are adorable and know you will always be trendy up to delivery! Fourth - Wednesday's are my favorite day of the week because I know you'll post something new! And Fifth - I'm officially a blog stalker and check this blog daily just in case!
