You are getting this blog post a day early, otherwise it would most likely be a week late! Tomorrow our sweet little nugget will be four months old and it has really been a fun month (although I can't think of one that hasn't been). He is weighing in around 17 pounds, wears size 6 month clothes and even some 9 month pajamas to allow for optimal toe wiggling. He also wears a size 3 diaper and loves to giggle. He is most amused when Jake or I wiggle him around, or plop him back on to a pile of pillows, or swing him up above our heads. Anything baby adventurous I guess!
He still loves to wiggle around under his gym, has pretty much given up his swing because he wiggles too much and doesn't want to be strapped in. He now prefers to hang in his bumbo with some toys or in his exersaucer. He likes it when we get to go outside and play in the yard, which means I walk him around and he looks at stuff or we swing. He is very interested in his feet and is starting to bring them up to his hands, and if you lean him back he tries to sit up.
Jameson continues to eat 4 times a day between 8 and 8, although lately he has been ready for his last feeding around 7 and ready for bed at 7:30 or 8. When I am working and he takes a bottle he usually eats about 8 ounces. He still takes 3 naps a day but we have been fighting to hang on to his evening nap. I don't know if it's because we are frequently busy and on the run then or if he just decided he doesn't need it, but time will tell. Our house is usually louder in the evenings with Jake home, the tv on and we're usually cooking dinner so that could be it too.
From the last post you can see that I've tried a few feedings with rice cereal. The first attempt was hardly even an attempt because he just wasn't having it, and I probably could have timed it better. Since then we have the hang of things and he has had a couple of successful feedings. He must have enjoyed his "wheaties" because that same day he decided after weeks of rolling up on his side he was ready to go all the way over.
Yesterday we had some errands to run, our last stop of the morning was to Whole Foods. At this time Jameson had spent about an hour and a half or two hours in his carseat alternating between napping and being awake. By the time we made it to the grocery he was fully awake, and was starting to get all wiggly and giving me the "please let me out" face. I was just planning on loosening up his straps when I reach into the carseat and I realize it is very warm. Warmer than usual and what was that smell? Oh no.
So Jameson's wish came true and out of the carseat he went so I could change his diaper, and what do I notice in the mirror as we head to the changing table? He has a very sizable wet spot on his back. Great. I soon discover Jameson is a hot green mess under his clothes, and he has obliterated the entire outfit minus his socks. I would say 97% of the time there is a spare outfit in the diaper bag. Did I have one in there today? Of course not! So I had a decision to make, which was worse? Putting him back in the once blue, now green onesie or stroll out of there, and quickly get his naked butt back in the car seat and cover him up before too many people will notice. Not seeing a better option I went with option number two (it seemed fitting) and as I walk out of the bathroom with a diaper only-clad infant I see at least four people look directly at me and my naked baby. Oh Lord. There was no hiding it. I sighed and strapped him back in and head to the register avoiding eye contact. Why does the restroom have to be next to the deli counter? And of course, the two people working the register are trying to peek in and see the cute baby and I am silently praying that they don't notice he is essentially naked in there. We couldn't get out of there fast enough and Jameson had a smile on his face all the way home, because there is one thing he loves above all else and that is to be naked :)
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Snoozing on my shoulder |
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smooches |
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Happy Nakey baby face |
I can't believe I just saw this post!! It's been a very busy week! Hysterical story!! I felt your pain darlin...and I've been there...a few times!! I concur, you did the right thing!! And, you're so right, he loves to be nakey! Happy belated 4 months to our sweet boy!!