Friday, February 24, 2012

Don't Worry Be Happy

I grew up dancing to the Beach Boys. "Don't Worry Be Happy" was the anthem of my cousins and I as we danced around the living room and jumping off the fireplace. Life seemed so simple back then. We were also most likely listening to that song over and over again on cassette. Remember those? I was also probably sporting a side pony and acid wash jeans.

I would consider our family to be pretty techy and Jake does a good job of keeping us up to date or even ahead of the curve. He is constantly telling me about something new or what is just around the technology corner. We marvel at the fact that Jameson will most likely head to school with an iPad (or something like it) instead of a backpack full of books. To me this is exciting, but also strange. We live in such a different world than the one I grew up in not long ago. Will Jameson appreciate the smell of a brand new book? Will he ever even own a cd? Technology provides so many wonderful things, but how much of a good thing is too much?

I've noticed that I rarely see kids riding their bikes around my neighborhood unaccompanied by an adult. Yes, my parents took us on many family bike rides, but I was also given the freedom to ride my bike around our neighborhood on my own. Has the world changed that much in 15 years that kids can't play and explore without constantly having a parent guiding them? As I drove through the neighborhood a couple of weeks ago, I saw a 11 or 12 year old girl going door-to-door most likely doing some sort of fundraising. Oh, I could remember the days vividly of trying to sell wrapping paper for school. Then I saw a car trailing her. Her mom was following her along keeping a close eye on her. This struck me as funny. I know my parents didn't do that. Don't kids learn things quicker by doing things on their own and making a few mistakes? Maybe I have a lot to learn about parenting in the 21st century, but I hope I can raise Jameson in a world that he feels safe in, but also a world in which he can freely explore the backyard on his own. Is this an impossible expectation? 

Now I am not naive enough to believe that dangers don't exist, but I have no doubt that the same dangers children face today are similar dangers they faced 10, 20, 30 years ago. Unfortunately we cannot protect our little ones from everything, and I wouldn't want Jameson to grow up a "bubble boy" either because each bump and bruise is a lesson. I just look forward to letting him experience the world, even if it is a different world than the one we grew up in. 

You only get to have the innocence of childhood once and it is over before you know it. The last time my cousins and I were all together we definitely didn't get up and shake our booties to "Kokomo". But why not? I think next time I see them it will be a requirement.

Lila demonstrating a wet-willy
These days Jameson is weighing in close to 17 pounds according to our home scale. He will have a pediatrician appointment about a week after he hits the 4 month mark. His favorite toy these days is Lila. She feels the need to watch over him anytime he is laying on the floor. This makes her a very easy target for this little grabber. Luckily, she gamely sits there patiently as Jameson's chubby little fingers do a death grip on her shaggy ears. She also gives him the occasional wet-willy as retaliation and moves on to his face which makes him squeal with joy as I have to remind her to please not make mouth-to-mouth contact. Therefore, Jameson is frequently getting a hands and face spit bath. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed? I woke up on Sunday morning and the first thing I did after letting the dogs out was spill my freshly filled large glass of ice water all across the kitchen floor. Ugh. I literally had one ice cube left in the bottom of my cup. What a terrible way to start the day. Of course, I decided to become mad at the world, like someone is to blame other than my seemingly genetic predisposition to constantly spill things (ask Jake about the time I spilled orange juice all over the stove/oven). Needless to say it was not how I wanted to start my day.

Before I was a mother I would say I devoted 50% of my day to contributing my time to something other than myself, either cleaning, planning meals or taking care of the dogs, working, etc. I don't know if this seems like a little or a lot to some of you, but what it comes down to is it didn't take much of a conscious effort to do something for myself everyday. Now I find I have to remind myself to devote at least a few minutes to myself, somedays it is more and somedays it feels like less. How can I not just be completely wrapped up in spending time with Jameson & Jake? But I know that it is in their best interest and mine to continue to invest in myself. Whether it be a quick ten minute yoga session or going out for a mani/pedi (thanks mom!) I know it is important to recharge and refuel even before I start feeling empty. And I don't think this is exclusive to me or to parenthood, but something we all can benefit from.

Anyway, I hope you are all finding time to take care of yourselves so you can better mothers, fathers, spouses, and friends. There's nothing wrong with a little indulgence! And today, I hope to indulge in a little nap!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You are my sunshine...


Mesmerized by the fire Daddy built

So here are a few more of the three month pics that I took with Jake's camera, much better quality than the iPhone but much more difficult for me to work! I am learning. And a few more pictures from this weekend while we were cuddled up by the fire. Giggle video to come soon, fingers crossed!

I may need mental help...

Well we are halfway through another week and I find myself wondering where the time has gone. I must admit now that I am back to work time seems to go a little bit faster. My mind has been racing with different things to blog about, in an attempt to add some depth, rather than hey guess what Jameson can do now! Of course, that was yesterday and I today I don't remember half of what I was thinking about yesterday.

First off, we celebrated Valentine's day. We've always been pretty low-key, alternating between going out and staying in, which I think we usually prefer to stay in. I felt like the house was a mess and because of my crazy need to keep the house looking decent (I really need to get over this!) I couldn't start all the projects I needed to do until I got a few things tidied up. I also had errands to run and I just felt rushed all day. But seriously, I think I have a problem.

As I scoured the sink I thought about the weird amount of joy I get out of it. Is it the familiar smell of comet or the bright shiny sink that results from my hard work? I don't know what it is, but I just thought to myself Wow, this brings me a weird sense of satisfaction. I then realized I also find this satisfaction while cleaning the stovetop (among other things). Surely other people experience this (I hope). But what is it about these tasks? I still dread folding laundry, or unloading the dishwasher just so I can reload it. And don't even get me started on cleaning the bathrooms.

Regardless, a house is not a home without a few dust bunnies right? And as our family grows and our messes become bigger I am learning to let go, because otherwise I might wear myself out trying to keep up! I don't have to have a clean floor to enjoy the smile on my little guy's face when he wakes up in the morning. A few weeks after Jameson was born my grandparents came over to visit. My grandfather kindly remarked that he enjoyed seeing the clutter on my countertop, and burp clothes thrown about because now my home actually looked lived in. This made me smile, and now when I see dog hair tumbleweeds roll by I  remember that sentiment... then grab the sweeper, because boy oh boy do I looove to vacuum! I never said I wasn't a work in progress :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

3 months

"Sitting in my bumbo, no big deal"
Today we celebrate Jameson's three months on planet earth! What a blessing he has been. He is so full of fun and laughter and I think he has a goofball personality. Anyway, I did a little photoshoot today so I can post some pics from my phone, but the much better pics done on Jake's camera will come later (The IT guy isn't home right now).

This weekend was my weekend to work so Jake was on solo baby duty (so jealous). I actually got to leave work a few hours early on Saturday, which was a nice reprieve. We ended up meeting my parents for a quick dinner at Riviera Maya, and got caught up with them and mostly chatted about the SuperBowl madness in Indy. Sunday I worked a full 12 hours, while the boys caught up on TV and such. Jameson just loves it when Jake  plays the guitar for him. He is so interested in it, and we hope to soon get him a little baby guitar that he can destroy. Now I am happy to spend the next four days at home soaking up family time and scouring pinterest for hours.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important news! This week Jameson giggled! Yes, it was so adorable and of course it made me cry. Luckily we got a re-enactment on camera, but like I said, the IT guy is currently at work, but hopefully he will post it soon. Jameson is very ticklish.

We had the pleasure of also going out to dinner with my grandparents last night. Meemaw and Peepaw were in town for a few days and we enjoyed a yummy dinner out at Charleston's. They were surprised at how much Jameson had changed since Christmas, as babies do, and I had to agree. He was very happy to see them and gave them some smiles. Jameson can't wait to visit them on Sanibel Island one day. And thanks for the scarf!

This might be in the running for fav pic
along with this one
Drifting off to sleep before I've even left the room

Waving hello to all his fans!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Never too soon to start...

Mom, aren't I a little young to be brainwashed into saying "ma-ma"?