In the 6 and a half months that I have spent every single day with my baby boy, Jameson he has never willingly taken a pacifier. I tried to get him to use one for a while, but he decided his thumb was a better option for bedtime soothing and I am ok with that. It works. He would make disgusted faces when offered a pacifier.
Well now we are fighting the teething beast. My lord, that stuff is serious business! I was so excited on Monday when I discovered the little itty bitty beginnings of a tooth (his bottom left). One day later I am wishing that puny little bugger had never come around. What I hate the most is Jameson being in pain. He is just feeling yucky, add on the fact that he is battling an eye infection. He cries when I even try to lay him down for 30 seconds to change his diaper, which he normally loves, strangely enough.
So tonight I had an idea. I pull out the drawer that has the barely used pacifier stash. Ta-da! Now I'm not saying this pacifier worked miracles and put a smile back on Jameson's face, but boy oh boy did he go to town on that thing. He is likely to chew the tip off! What's great is it's like a handsfree teething ring. What's really funny is even though I am glad it is giving him some relief, I am secretly hoping he doesn't want to keep it around too long. Isn't it funny how things change?
The great thing about the hard work of growing teeth is the extra cuddles for Mama, I can't say I'm disappointed when he won't let me put him down. We actually had a night out planned, but I couldn't stand to leave my baby, but I do have to say thank you to my brother Mick for being willing and then letting me cancel on him. Next time Mick!

It looks so odd to see that pacifier in his mouth!
Chewing on a spoon during bath time.
Love that face in the bottom pic!!