Well folks, I made it! Phew! Actually my first day back at work was great, and I am glad to have it done and over with. I realized that the anxiety of thinking about going back to work was a lot worse than actually doing it. Truthfully, the hardest part was the night before when I was putting Jameson to bed. I felt the overwhelming sadness of leaving him and not seeing him for almost 24 hours. I didn't want put that little nugget down! Luckily, the morning came and went with more ease, probably because he was still soundly sleeping as I rushed out the door (I knew better than to go in and check on him before I left because there would have been some major waterworks!). It was a quiet day at work and it was good to see all the people I spend so much time with. Between taking care of patients, getting caught up on email, tying up loose ends and pumping (so time consuming) the day went rather quickly. When I got home that night I told Jake that my patients seemed so tiny, their combined weights barely more than what Jameson weighed at birth (I took care of a three pound baby and two four pounders). I want to say thanks to all my friends and family who sent me texts or words of encouragement throughout the day. I greatly appreciated it.
And believe it or not Jameson survived without me (tear). He had a great day with his grandma and I have no doubt he was happy as a clam. It was his first day of exclusive bottle feeding and it sounds like he did pretty well, of course, it may take a few days to figure out what his schedule and routine is going to be when he isn't nursing. Jake gave him a bottle around 7 and then he nursed for about 20 minutes at 8:30 and then he was off to bed. I don't know if he was truly hungry (playing catch-up?) or if he just needed a snack or he just did it because he enjoys it. Either way, I was happy to have him all to myself!
We spent this past weekend at the cabin with my parents and Will & Ann. It was pretty low-key, but a nice change of scenery for us. Of course, all the dogs were there too and I bought a pair of clippers at Target the other day and Jake & I had a pretty good time giving Lila what I call a "hillbilly haircut". Needless to say, she looks pretty mangy and I'm not sure if it was better or worse than the shaggy look she was sporting. The clippers were either so cheap or her hair was too thick (read: matted) to even work effectively, so we mostly trimmed her up with scissors. That would explain the random tufts on long hair I keep spotting but at least she can see now and we can forgo the groomer for a few more weeks. I'm sure she will get some pretty interesting looks the next time she heads in there. Anyway, I do not foresee myself making a career change to doggie grooming, I'll stick to trimming my bangs. I'm sure Lila will appreciate that, although she took it like a champ, obviously she hasn't seen herself in the mirror.
Headed out for a hike! |
We also went on a little hiking excursion and enjoyed the great weather. After hiking my butt (and Jameson's) up a few hills I remarked that this felt just like the last time I hiked around the property being 40 weeks pregnant with Jameson (What was I thinking?). I was off balance and out of breath, but all of that adds up to a pretty good little workout. It was actually probably a little bit easier this time around since I was theoretically only carrying about an extra 15 or 16 pounds, instead of the at least 40 I gained while preggers (sigh). Anyway, we had fun and Jameson loves the opportunity to sport his neat little fleece :)
I like the way you write.And I like I like "nugget", it's funny.
ReplyDeleteI've realized I use like a million commas and parentheses (parenthesis?) and probably have a ton of run-ons, but I'm the boss, right? Oh and before I post I make myself take out at least one exclamation mark!
ReplyDeleteI like the way you write too :) I can just imagine all of america and europe reading this and seeing that happy little baby!