I feel a little neglectful this month. I have posted plenty of pics but my words have been few. This could be for many reasons, one being I just love Jameson's sweet little face! Two being it is much easier to upload a pic than to sit down and right out a few things about our routine and blah blah blah. You've all heard it before. And third, it might be because I am very busy soaking up every second with my baby.
This week is my last week of maternity leave and I am very much struggling with the fact that I "get" to go back to work. Notice how I put the word "get"? It is part of my motivational and positive thinking. I think I tell Jake daily "I am so lucky to have such a great job" and then I go on and on to list the reasons why I love it and why it really is conducive to raising a family (but I also continue to have that feeling of dread). Now, that is not to say that I wouldn't prefer spending every day at home with the kiddo. But I keep reminding myself and saying my mantra aloud to Jake because it really is true. I mean, I can't complain about working 3 days a week, or even two days a week (When I go back I will be alternating between full-time and part-time, switching off each week). Yes, 12 hours shifts are a long time to be away (which usually ends up being about 14 hours away from the house), but heck, I will still have more days off work than on. I also have the world's greatest coworkers, who are much more than coworkers and feel like family. I also have the privilege of taking care of teeny-tiny babies, which feels more like a passion project than a job. And the most important thing I am grateful for is the fact that I even have a job and it allowed me 12 weeks at home with Jameson.
I could continue to go on and on about all the reasons I love my job. And I am sure Jake will appreciate me listing some of them here for you so maybe he will be spared tonight, but if you think of it, say a little prayer for me (especially on Monday) as I leave Jameson for the longest stretch ever. I promise to put a smile on my face as I squeeze back into those scrubs and spend a little time with my work family.
Now, for the real reason you are all here, here is a little update on Jameson. I know I probably sound like a broken record, but the kid continues to be awesome and he truly brings us so much joy. I've switched him to an 8 o'clock wakeup time and we are both happier and more bright-eyed. He's in bed by 9:30 at the latest and he is cooing up a storm. One of my favorite things is when he takes a break from eating to look up at me and coo and smile. It is so precious and I know it is a moment made just for me and that makes it all the more special. I've also pushed him toward more of a 4 hour schedule as he becomes a more efficient eater and since he will have a few days a week of exclusive bottle feeding when I am back at work. He seems pretty happy with it, and we are still working on cutting out his 5th feeding of the day which is really like a snack before bed, but I'm sure he'll drop it when he is ready and that's fine by me.
Other than that we haven't been up to much! I haven't had any income for weeks so we spend most nights watching Netflix and we are hooked on Lost! I know, we are definitely a little behind on that one, but it keeps us entertained when we aren't playing with Jameson. We've been able to have a few date night's with gift cards from Christmas, which mostly allows me to practice spending time away from home and Jameson so I don't go into shock next week ;) Until next time...
Supported Employment: The End of an Era
1 week ago
Hay I got hooked on lost recently too! We're Ment to be.