Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Friends already!

Jameson and big cousin Vivian! She told him jokes!
Merry Christmas to all my friends and family! We survived the holidays and Jameson was a trooper, starting on Friday night I think we hit about half a dozen Christmas celebrations. It was great to see all of our friends and family & Jameson has just about met all of his relatives. On Friday we visited family in Vincennes and Jameson did great on the long car ride sleeping both ways.

We had a quiet Christmas eve morning at home. We slept in, Jake made breakfast, we exchanged gifts and watched The Family Stone, absolutely perfect. Then we were off to the next round of parties.We had a great dinner at Eddie Merlot's and opened gifts at the Vieke's. Jameson mostly slept through it but he was spoiled with gifts and I am sure it is our last low-key Christmas for a while since from here on out we will be chasing Jameson around. We headed home for what seemed like a quick nap before heading to my parents for Christmas morning. The family was waiting and the highlight of the morning was watching Jake figure out his Metallica themed scavenger hunt to find one of his gifts. Afterward we had our traditional breakfast which was absolutely delicious. The evening was followed with presents and dinner at my grandparents after which we were sufficiently stuffed and happy to head home to our beds.

It has been a quiet week at home. We did a little shopping on Monday and hit some sales. Jake was happy to hang out at home and play with his new macbook air (so he doesn't have to be tethered to the iMac in the office). I am just happy to have added some new looks to my wardrobe which was very much needed after months in maternity clothes followed by lots of time spent in "loungewear". Jameson is readjusting to life not being passed around and napping in people's arms. We've had a rough couple of afternoons, which at first I attributed to a growth spurt, but after some thinking I realized Jameson really was hungry every two hours likely due to a decrease in milk supply. I guess I didn't think about skipping one feeding a day in the afternoon for four days in a row. Oops. With us running around and spending so much time with family and friends all I thought about was that Jameson was still getting a feeding, just from a bottle and we are paying for it now. So hopefully the next couple of days Jameson and I will get back to the right supply and demand so we aren't doing feedings every two hours from 4 until bedtime.In the meantime I've been working on finding places for all of our fabulous gifts.

As with every year, we are beyond blessed to have received so many wonderful gifts. I've also given myself the gift of getting the groceries delivered. It is such a big task to grocery shop with a baby in the infant seat. It leaves little room in the cart and I always feel rushed and seem to forget a lot of things which just means another trip back to the store and you can't leave your cart around the corner to go grab something real quick because I have no doubt someone might try and steal my adorable baby! Anyway, the prices are comparable and the delivery fee is only 6.95 (but free for 60 days!) which to me is worth it. Plus it keeps me from buying those impulse items and I can see my total with each item I add to my cart which helps keep me from overspending. Plus, the delivery guy puts the stuff right on my kitchen counter! All worth it when you consider putting the baby in the car then loading the groceries in then returning the cart and unloading at the house, I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

We hope the holidays were as good to you as they were to us and wish you all a happy new year! What an exciting year it is going to be!
Thinking very hard! This hat is from Kiki & Lo
Jameson and Lila snuggling the day after Christmas
Had to dress warm for the first snow day!
Taking in all the Christmas action

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