Thursday, June 27, 2013


I wish I could say we have been away doing something fantastical but really we have just been right here, soaking up the good life. Things haven't slowed down since moving out of our home four weeks ago. Summer is in full swing with trips to the zoo, parks, splash pads, swimming pools and weddings and grad parties. Our new home is moving along quickly and many of our days are filled with trips to go check on the progress. Most recently we had our cabinets and counters installed, our trim and walls have been painted, next up will be floors and we will be in before we know it (in about 4 more weeks). We still have some summer trips planned but for now we are sticking close to home. 

Jameson is coming up on 20 months and boy does he love to swim. He will promptly put himself in any water within  sight. His new favorite words are "boats" and "birds" and loves to point out airplanes, tractors, trucks and cars. He went to his first baseball game and seems to grow an inch every night. I'm trying not to mourn the apparent disappearance of my "baby" and enjoy the fun moments of having an active toddler. He definitely wears us out, but I count every moment as precious, most especially when he finds it in his heart to bestow upon me an unasked for kiss or a brief moment to hold his hand. 

1 comment:

  1. Soooo....are there any updates?? lol It's been a littlest bit since you've had time to post. But, I'm certain it's time for a new post. Lots of things have happened since you last wrote!! ;)
